There was an appeal from the Association to all members for "an annual compulsorily contribution of Rs. 1,000 (One thousand) in the Association's account to support various activities of the Association."
In response, only six people have contributed so far: Ms. S. Manjula (DPD, Delhi), Sh. Rajendra Bhatt (DPD, Delhi), Ms. Dayawanti Srivastava (DPD, Delhi), Sanjay Kumar (DD News, Delhi), Ms. R. Anuradha (DPD Delhi) and Ms. Nandini Mittal (AIR, Simla). The details of contribution and also the details of the Association A/C reflect in the attached scanned pages of the updated A/c passbook.
All those, who have not yet contributed, are requested again to please contribute.
Pl. click on the images to see bigger images attached below.